Opportunity Network

This section provides some links to jobs/volunteering roles, youth programs, opportunity boards, mentorship programs, and more! We hope you can use this as a starting point in your search for ocean & marine conservation opportunities.

Would you like to post an opportunity here? Let us know!

  • Ocean Wise Youth

    Ocean Wise is a global conservation organization on a mission to build communities that take meaningful action to protect and restore our ocean. They run many different programs (remote & in-person) and grants that connect ocean-loving youth from all across Canada. They have a wealth of resources that empower you with life and professional skills, and hope to build the lasting civic engagement needed for our oceans to remain healthy and flourishing for generations to come. Check them out at @oceanwiseyouth!

  • Early Career Ocean Professionals

    The Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) Network Programme was established to empower ECOPs, who self-identify as being early in their career in any field related to the ocean. The Programme is at the heart of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and it was endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade as a network program in 2021. Their mission is to incorporate new ways of thinking into global ocean sustainability and stewardship challenges. The ECOP programme will achieve this by empowering ECOPs with meaningful networking and professional development opportunities with each other and with local to global institutions through the framework of the UN Ocean Decade.

  • Youth Climate Lab Trello

    The Youth Climate Lab (IG: @youthclimatelab) is a global non-profit enabling young people to become leaders in the climate space by empowering them with skills, financial access and policy knowledge through the creation of tools and programs. One of their initiatives is “Trello Tuesday,” where they update an opportunity board that has a wealth of climate jobs, programs, volunteering, and event opportunities.

  • Indigenous Climate Action Youth Trello

    Indigenous Climate Action (IG: @indigenousclimateaction) is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders from communities and regions across the country. They have assembled a Trello board of opportunities and resources for Indigenous youth.

  • Canada Service Corps

    The Canada Service Corps (CSC) deliver all kinds of service opportunities that equip youth with meaningful life skills and experiences. CSC service placements can help you gain experience and build your skills. While many of these service placements vary, they update fairly frequently and typically include opportunities with the Canadian Conservation Corps! Alternatively, you could apply for a micro-grant to lead your own service project and become an agent of change in your community.

  • Fisheries & Oceans

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) helps to ensure healthy and sustainable aquatic ecosystems through habitat protection and sound science. They support economic growth in the marine and fisheries sectors, and innovation in areas such as aquaculture and biotechnology. They have a lot of different career and volunteering opportunities available for students & recent graduates, including the Federal Student Work Experience Program, Canadian Coast Guard careers, and careers in the Science Sector. They also have career resources on preparing for job interviews & building a professional resume.

  • WOC in EEB

    ​WOC in EEB is an online community for scientists who self-identify as women and non-binary people of colour and work in ecology, evolutionary biology, and allied fields. They built an online community to help combat isolation and feeling like “the only __” in academic departments. WOC in EEB founders put together a list of WOC in EEB seminar speakers to help diversify EEB conferences and piloted two mentoring programs: a 1-on-1 Mentoring Program and a Peer Mentoring Program to enable community members to support each other.

  • Black In Marine Science

    Black In Marine Science (BIMS) started as a week to highlight and amplify Black voices in the field and encourage younger generations, while also shedding light on the lack of diversity in marine science. Now, BIMS provides many different resources for Black individuals, such as outreach opportunities, scholarships for youth, funded programs, and a safe & supportive community of black researchers. Their goal is to increase diversity in marine science while also providing a place to uphold the excellent Black scientists who already exist in the field!

  • Invasive Species Council BC

    The Invasive Species Council of BC is a registered charity and non-profit society working to stop the spread of invasive species in BC. They have a youth program for ages 15-30 that helps train you to make an impact in your local community by teaching you about public engagement, team building, project management, budget building! They offer many opportunities in habitat restoration, invasive species management, and leadership.

  • Coastal Water Protectors

    Coastal Water Protectors protect the coastlines of British Columbia through proactive conservation and preservation initiatives. We are dedicated to raising awareness about the significance of safeguarding these delicate ecosystems, promoting responsible practices, and engaging in proactive measures to mitigate potential threats. Members have the opportunity to participate in conservation projects, educational activities, and different workshops aimed at professional development and environmental leadership.

  • Graduate Student Mentorship Initiative (GSMI)

    Run by Científico Latino, the Graduate School Mentorship Initiative (GSMI) program’s mission is to help graduate school applicants from minoritized backgrounds by pairing them with STEM professionals in their respective STEM disciplines. They provide their applicants with graduate school preparation material, one-on-one guidance from a mentor in their STEM field, financial assistance in the form of fee waivers, feedback on written materials, access to webinars, mock interviews, and access to a broader community of peers and mentors.