Thank you note Template

Click the button below to view our thank you note example on Google Drive.

Scroll down to the next section for notes on this example, and some tips & tricks on strong thank you note writing!

To download, just click File > Make a copy (must be signed in to Google)

Tips & Tricks

  • Proofread your letter & maintain a professional tone: As always, make sure to double check your writing for any typos or strange grammar.

  • Send your thank you note at an appropriate time: Thank you notes act as a sort of follow-up after an interview or a coffee chat, and can be your opportunity to express your gratefulness or additional thoughts on something you discussed. Make sure that you don’t send it too soon (wait a couple of hours or so, definitely not right after the interview) or too late (I would suggest no later than 2 days)!

  • Mention specific things you discussed: Bring up a topic or conversation you had during your interview or chat! This can show that you were actively listening and were interested in the discussion. If you feel like you have further thoughts to express that you didn’t during your talk, bring them up here! For example, if you feel like an answer you gave during your interview was lackluster, then elaborate on it during your thank you note.

  • Keep it short and sweet: Again, keep this letter brief! While you want to make sure that you express your gratitude, don’t go overboard! One page is definitely enough room.

