Identifying Inclusive Spaces

In this section, you’ll find helpful tips on finding inclusive spaces, creating inclusive & diverse environments, and how to navigate tricky interactions.

Finding Inclusive Spaces

1. Research and awareness:

  • Begin by researching the organizations and initiatives you are interested in. Look for those that explicitly mention their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • Look for organizations with diverse leadership teams. Representation at the leadership level often indicates an inclusive environment that values different perspectives.

  • Examine the mission statements and core values of organizations. Those explicitly emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion are more likely to be safe spaces for BIPOC.

2. Look for employee and volunteer testimonials:

  • Read testimonials or interviews from current or past employees and volunteers. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the organization's culture and commitment to inclusivity.

  • LinkedIn can be a great tool- read through some posts from employees, volunteers, or the company page itself. What kinds of backgrounds do these people come from? Do they show a history of mentorship, inclusivity, promoting diversity, etc.?

3. Collaborative initiatives & diversity-focuses events:

  • Identify organizations involved in collaborative initiatives with community groups, schools, or other non-profit organizations that focus on diversity and inclusion.

  • Participate in events, webinars, or conferences that specifically address diversity and inclusion in ocean conservation.

4. Networking within BIPOC communities:

  • Connect with BIPOC individuals already involved in ocean conservation through professional networking platforms or social media. Seek recommendations and insights from peers who share similar backgrounds and interests.

5. Inclusive outreach programs:

  • Look for organizations with outreach programs targeting underrepresented communities. This demonstrates a commitment to diversifying the field and creating inclusive opportunities for BIPOC youth.

6. Evaluate resources and accessibility:

  • Assess the resources available to ensure they are accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds. Are they providing opportunities with funding? Are they accounting for lack of access to technology? Do they provide flexible or remote opportunities? What kind of mentorship styles are present, or do they even place mentorship at a high value?


Mentorship & Networking


Scholarships & Financial Aid